文藻外語大學行動資訊網Wenzao Mobile Web Application
您可以使用任何行動裝置連結到文藻外語大學行動資訊網,網址為m.wzu.edu.tw。文藻行動資訊網所提供的服務如右方所列。You can reach the Universitas mobile web application by going to m.wzu.edu.tw on your web browser on any internet-enabled mobile device. The mobile web application includes all the features listed at right.
Click here to preview the mobile site on your computer.
下一步?What's next?
目前僅僅是個起步,為了提供文藻教師,學生,員工,校友與訪客提供更好的行動體驗。我們未來將繼續推出更多的新功能。We recognize that this is just the starting point for providing a better mobile experience for Universitas students, faculty, staff, alumni, and visitors. We will continue to roll out new features in the future.
通訊錄(People Directory)可查詢本校各單位聯絡電話。Search by first and last name for phone numbers, email addresses, and office location for Universitas students, faculty and staff. Note that contact details vary and are informed by individual privacy settings. | |
校園地圖(Campus Map)文藻外語大學位置查詢,已結合Google Maps標示本校地理位置。Navigate around Universitas's campus by searching for classroom buildings, houses, and offices. The map will display the location, and you can zoom in, zoom out or scroll in any direction. You can also browse locations by type, such as libraries or museums. | |
活動訊息(Events)提供文藻外語大學相關教學與活動行事曆。Find out what’s going on today at Universitas or coming up soon. Events from the Universitas calendar are available by category with the date and time, and location. Where available, you can click on the event’s location to see it on the map. | |
最新消息(News)整合各單位之最新消息,並提供文藻外語大學最新訊息。Get the latest news from the Universitas newspaper which features latest news about community, arts and culture, and science and research. You can share articles using email, Facebook, or Twitter. | |
校園影音(Video)結合Youtube影音平台,提供文藻各項活動影片,呈現文藻多采多姿的活動成果。View videos posted by Universitas including special events, athletics and student organizations. | |
緊急資訊(Emergency)提供文藻的緊急連絡管道。Be informed of critical information on campus and get easy access to important emergency contact information. |